Kommande aktiviteter
Höstens schema över yoga och meditation hittar du här
Ayurvedic management of infertility
Difficulty to conceive is becoming a growing concern, leaving many couples feeling anxious and distressed. Stress and a hectic lifestyle could be the possible causes. Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to improving fertility, for both men and women. In addition to working on the reproductive system, Ayurveda also focuses on the psychological aspect of reproductive health, which results in a more holistic solution of the problem.
In this lecture, Dr (Vaidya) Tejal will share her experience and knowledge on improving the general wellbeing and maintaining tridosha balance, especially the Vata dosha, to treat infertility and help increase the chances of conceiving.
The lecture would elaborate on:
- Causes of infertility
- Ayurvedic perspective to treatment
- Role of Panchakarma
Date: Sunday, November 24th, 2024.
Time: 17:00-19:00.
Cost: 300 Sek -
For Couples - 500 Sek
To book your spot email to info@ayurvedisktcenter.se 📧
Speaker Dr (vaidya) Tejal
Möt dig själv - för pappor & blivande pappor
Möt dig själv: För pappor & blivande pappor
Som blivande pappa själv känner jag ett djupt kall att möta andra pappor och
blivande pappor för att utforska och samtala om vad det innebär att ta på sig denna nya roll i livet. Föräldraskapet förändrar oss på djupet – det påverkar vår identitet, vår maskulinitet och hur vi navigerar i samhällets förväntningar. Min önskan är att skapa ett utrymme där vi kan mötas i dessa frågor och samtidigt stärka vår relation till kroppen.
Kroppen spelar en central roll i vårt välmående. När vi känner oss trygga och starka i vår kropp speglar det sig i vår omgivning och hur vi relaterar till våra nära och kära. Genom att kombinera min erfarenhet av Qi Gong, Yoga, Kampkonst, dans och meditation, vill jag skapa möten där vi inte bara diskuterar faderskapets utmaningar, utan också utforskar vår kroppsliga upplevelse och hur den påverkar vårt sinne och vårt sätt att vara i världen.
Dessa träffar är en inbjudan att djupare utforska vår maskulinitet och vad det innebär att vara man i dagens samhälle. Hur kan vi stiga in i vår roll som fäder och partners med äkthet och närvaro? Genom rörelse, dialog och övningar som bygger tillit, vill jag skapa ett utrymme där vi kan utforska vår förändrade identitet och lära oss hur vi kan vara positiva och stödjande manliga förebilder – för oss själva, våra familjer och vårt samhälle.
Det handlar om att möta de rädslor och osäkerheter som kan dyka upp på vägen, och att odla en inre tillit som gör det möjligt för oss att vara närvarande och
engagerade för oss själva och våra nära. Detta är en resa som handlar om att stärka
vår förmåga att fullt ut träda in i föräldraskapets utmaningar och gåvor, med både
styrka och ödmjukhet.
Dessa tre kommande evenemang hålls med önskan om att fortsätta i vår.
I dessa får vi tid att samtala, men också utforska konkreta övniningar som förhoppningsvis kan hjälpa
våran roll som föräldrar.
Alla möten kommer att hållas på svenska eller engelska vid behov.
Hör gärna av dig om du är intresserad eller önskar veta mer!
· 9:e November - 10.00-13.00
· 16:e November - 10.00-13.00
· 15:e December - 10.00-13.00
Kostnad för alla möten tillsammans: 900 :- alt 330 kr per tillfälle
Anmälan via mail till: lindh.medin@gmail.com
Benjamin Lindh Medin
Welcome to a course in Hypnobirthing
This Hypnobirthing (the Mongan Method) course is a prenatal course that includes special breathing, relaxation, visualization, meditative practice, as well as the physiology of birth, attention to nutrition and positive body toning. Hypnobirthing's philosophy is that birth is something natural and healthy. Through learning deep relaxation the birthing person will learn to trust that their body knows how to bring their baby into the world in a gentle and calm way.
This course is open for first time parents-to-be as well as people who have previously given birth. No prior experience of hypnosis is needed. The pregnant person may bring the support person of their choice to the course; partner, friend, doula, etc. It's recommended to start the course at around 20 weeks of gestation to ensure enough time to practice the techniques being taught.
The course is divided into 5 units, 2,5 hours each. Each couple (pregnant person and birth companion) receives one copy of the book "Hypnobirthing" by Marie Mongan, a coil with information and relaxation scripts and an audio download of relaxation scripts.
During the course you will learn
How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts.
The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing.
Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques.
Breathing techniques for labor and birthing.
Hypnotic relaxation and visualization.
The Birth companion’s role in birthing.
Preparing the body for birthing.
Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.
Birth explained simply.
As labor advances – birthing with your baby.
Protecting the natural birthing experience.
Positions for descent and birthing.
Family bonding with your baby.
And so much more!
The course will be in English and course material is in English. If the composition of the group is Swedish-speaking, the course will be held in Swedish and the course material is in English.
The group size is limited, sign up today to not miss your spot!
Dates: weekly, starting March 4 and last block April 8 (no class March 18)
Time: 1730-2000 hrs
Fee: 4300kr per couple (material included)
Sign up: please fill in this form
Nandi Zulu
I am a doula, midwife, hypnobirthing instructor and a mother of three.
For close to two years I have been teaching Hypnobirthing to expectant parents outside my job in the delivery & post natal ward. After graduating from midwifery school in 2021 I still felt something was missing in my tool kit, so that same year I became a Hypnobirthing educator. Hypnobirthing is an approach that I love and can really relate to, as I know how beneficial breath and relaxation is during pregnancy and birth. Teaching Hypnobirthing lets me be a part of families journey into parenthood through educating and empowering them in a holistic way. The five week course gives you space to ask questions and learn a lot of new things, I’m looking forward to sharing this course and this time in life with you!
I warmly invite you, whether you’re a mom or dad, to join me for a baby massage class at Ayurvedic Center Malmö.
Explore the wonderful experience of bonding with your little one by engaging in tender touch and maintaining eye contact in a serene environment.
The benefits of baby massage are numerous:
- Promotes relaxation and better sleep
- Improves circulation and supports skin health
- Alleviates common discomforts such as gas, colic, constipation, and teething pain
During our session, you will learn essential techniques and valuable insights, and personally massage your baby with sesame oil. It is suitable for children from 4 weeks old with no maximum age limit.
For your comfort, soft yoga mats and towels will be provided on the floor. The session includes fika with light snacks and tea.
The course will be in English
Date: October 15, Tuesday
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Sign up: email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com
Investment: SEK 350. Swish me at +46736358029
I’m looking forward to sharing this enriching experience with you!
Beatriz Facio
About Beatriz:
I am a postpartum doula with a background as a PhD nurse specializing in child health.
As a postpartum doula, I provide personalized guidance, supporting a confident transition from pregnancy to postpartum and facilitating an easier journey into parenthood. In 2022, I completed a Developmental Baby Massage Teacher Course by Peter Walker and the Federation of Antenatal Educators. This training has equipped me with the expertise to offer nurturing and soothing baby massages, aiming to promote their development and strengthen the bond between them and their parents.
Welcome to a course in Hypnobirthing
This Hypnobirthing (the Mongan Method) course is a prenatal course that includes special breathing, relaxation, visualization, meditative practice, as well as the physiology of birth, attention to nutrition and positive body toning. Hypnobirthing's philosophy is that birth is something natural and healthy. Through learning deep relaxation the birthing person will learn to trust that their body knows how to bring their baby into the world in a gentle and calm way.
This course is open for first time parents-to-be as well as people who have previously given birth. No prior experience of hypnosis is needed. The pregnant person may bring the support person of their choice to the course; partner, friend, doula, etc. It's recommended to start the course at around 20 weeks of gestation to ensure enough time to practice the techniques being taught.
The course is divided into 5 units, 2,5 hours each. Each couple (pregnant person and birth companion) receives one copy of the book "Hypnobirthing" by Marie Mongan, a coil with information and relaxation scripts and an audio download of relaxation scripts.
During the course you will learn
How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts.
The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing.
Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques.
Breathing techniques for labor and birthing.
Hypnotic relaxation and visualization.
The Birth companion’s role in birthing.
Preparing the body for birthing.
Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.
Birth explained simply.
As labor advances – birthing with your baby.
Protecting the natural birthing experience.
Positions for descent and birthing.
Family bonding with your baby.
And so much more!
The course will be in English and course material is in English. If the composition of the group is Swedish-speaking, the course will be held in Swedish and the course material is in English.
The group size is limited, sign up today to not miss your spot!
Dates: weekly, starting October 1 and last block October 29 (totally 5 blocks)
Time: 1730-2000 hrs
Fee: 4300kr per couple (material included)
Sign up: please fill in this form
Nandi Zulu
I am a doula, midwife, hypnobirthing instructor and a mother of three.
For close to two years I have been teaching Hypnobirthing to expectant parents outside my job in the delivery & post natal ward. After graduating from midwifery school in 2021 I still felt something was missing in my tool kit, so that same year I became a Hypnobirthing educator. Hypnobirthing is an approach that I love and can really relate to, as I know how beneficial breath and relaxation is during pregnancy and birth. Teaching Hypnobirthing lets me be a part of families journey into parenthood through educating and empowering them in a holistic way. The five week course gives you space to ask questions and learn a lot of new things, I’m looking forward to sharing this course and this time in life with you!
Prova på hypopressivträning
Kom och prova på Hypopressivträning
Har du eller har du haft besvär från bäckenbotten, rygg och bäcken- under och/eller efter graviditet eller förlossning eller senare?
Har det skapat begränsningar i ditt vardagsliv?
Är du på väg in i eller har du kommit in i menopausen och har exempelvis bäckenbottenbesvär dykt upp efter hand?
Har du urinläckage vid hostning och nysning eller när du springer eller hoppar?
Vill du förbättra din andning, rörelseförmåga och hållning?
Kom och prova på HYPOPRESSIV TRÄNING utan kostnad.
Vi träffas tre torsdagar den 5/9, 12/9 och 19/9 -24 kl 16.30 -17.15 På Ayurvediskt Center Malmö, Skeppsbron 5
Därefter kan du välja att fortsätta komma på träning vid fem torsdagar.
Hypopressiv betyder alltså reducerat tryck och syftar till att minska trycket i bål och bäckenbotten. Detta är motsatsen till de flesta andra träningsformer. Samspelet mellan bäckenbotten, diafragman och bålmusklerna kan liknas vid en cylinder. Tillsammans är denna struktur viktig för hållningen. Denna träning hjälper dig att förbättra din ork, uthållighet och andning. Med korta och fokuserade övningar breddar vi uppmärksamheten till kroppens positioner, tyngdfördelning samt andningstekniker.
Lär dig denna effektiva träningsteknik som du kan öva 10 minuter per dag för resultat över tid.
Anmälan och frågor skickas till: ingerwrango@gmail.com
Kursledare: Inger Wrangö Leg. sjukgymnast Aukt. Feldenkrais®pedagog Cert.SE®-practitioner BRMT®tränare Hypopressiv träningslärare
I warmly invite you, whether you’re a mom or dad, to join me for a baby massage class at Ayurvedic Center Malmö.
Explore the wonderful experience of bonding with your little one by engaging in tender touch and maintaining eye contact in a serene environment.
The benefits of baby massage are numerous:
- Promotes relaxation and better sleep
- Improves circulation and supports skin health
- Alleviates common discomforts such as gas, colic, constipation, and teething pain
During our session, you will learn essential techniques and valuable insights, and personally massage your baby with sesame oil. It is suitable for children from 4 weeks old with no maximum age limit.
For your comfort, soft yoga mats and towels will be provided on the floor. The session includes fika with light snacks and tea.
The course will be in English
Date: September 13, Friday
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Sign up: email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com
Investment: SEK 350. Swish me at +46736358029
I’m looking forward to sharing this enriching experience with you!
Beatriz Facio
About Beatriz:
I am a postpartum doula with a background as a PhD nurse specializing in child health.
As a postpartum doula, I provide personalized guidance, supporting a confident transition from pregnancy to postpartum and facilitating an easier journey into parenthood. In 2022, I completed a Developmental Baby Massage Teacher Course by Peter Walker and the Federation of Antenatal Educators. This training has equipped me with the expertise to offer nurturing and soothing baby massages, aiming to promote their development and strengthen the bond between them and their parents.
Prova på hypopressivträning
Kom och prova på Hypopressivträning
Har du eller har du haft besvär från bäckenbotten, rygg och bäcken- under och/eller efter graviditet eller förlossning eller senare?
Har det skapat begränsningar i ditt vardagsliv?
Är du på väg in i eller har du kommit in i menopausen och har exempelvis bäckenbottenbesvär dykt upp efter hand?
Har du urinläckage vid hostning och nysning eller när du springer eller hoppar?
Vill du förbättra din andning, rörelseförmåga och hållning?
Kom och prova på HYPOPRESSIV TRÄNING utan kostnad.
Vi träffas tre torsdagar den 5/9, 12/9 och 19/9 -24 kl 16.30 -17.15 På Ayurvediskt Center Malmö, Skeppsbron 5
Därefter kan du välja att fortsätta komma på träning vid fem torsdagar.
Hypopressiv betyder alltså reducerat tryck och syftar till att minska trycket i bål och bäckenbotten. Detta är motsatsen till de flesta andra träningsformer. Samspelet mellan bäckenbotten, diafragman och bålmusklerna kan liknas vid en cylinder. Tillsammans är denna struktur viktig för hållningen. Denna träning hjälper dig att förbättra din ork, uthållighet och andning. Med korta och fokuserade övningar breddar vi uppmärksamheten till kroppens positioner, tyngdfördelning samt andningstekniker.
Lär dig denna effektiva träningsteknik som du kan öva 10 minuter per dag för resultat över tid.
Anmälan och frågor skickas till: ingerwrango@gmail.com
Kursledare: Inger Wrangö Leg. sjukgymnast Aukt. Feldenkrais®pedagog Cert.SE®-practitioner BRMT®tränare Hypopressiv träningslärare
Hypopressiv träning
Hypopressiv träning passar för dig som har svårigheter från bäckenbotten under/efter graviditet och förlossning, inkontinensbesvär och vid rygg/bäcken problem.
Träningen är lämplig för alla åldrar och kan även tränas under graviditet med guidning. Fokus för träningen ligger i att hitta kroppens hållning, linjering och att hitta andningstekniken i olika positioner. Det gör vi för att aktivera kroppens fasciasystem effektivt. Det hjälper och underlättar för bäckenbottenproblem och är även förebyggande också för rygg och bäckenbesvär.
Du kan uppnå:
Förbättrad rygg och bäckenhälsa
Ökad kroppsmedvetenhet
God andningsteknik
Funktionell hållning som underlättar rörelser, cirkulation, energi och balans.
Motivation för daglig rutin
Inger Wrangö är utbildad Leg. sjukgymnast Aukt. Feldenkrais®pedagog Cert. SEP® Somatic Experiencing®practitioner BRMT® rörelsetränare Hypopressiv Träningslärare Hon har mer än 30 års erfarenhet av att arbeta med kvinnor i alla åldrar, samt med kvinnohälsa.
Datum: Torsdagar med start 5 september - 24 oktober 2024
Tid: Kl. 16.30 - 17.10 ca 40 minuter/gång
Kostnad: 2800 kronor Rabatt kan ges med 200 kronor kan ges vid bokning senast 15 aug-24
Hypopressiv träning gäller som Friskvårdsaktivitet.
Bokning sker via mail:ingerwrango@gmail.com
Har du frågor och/ eller vill boka en individuell session, skicka gärna ett mail.
Grundläggande medvetenhet och rörelseträning
Till dig med besvär från rygg, nacke och bäcken
Du kan ha haft svårigheter under/ efter graviditet och förlossning- och behöver vägledning för både rörelse och smärtfrihet samt minska stress. Du kan ha haft traumatiska upplevelser bakom dig, fysiska eller psykiska och vill få tillbaka balans och frihet.
Denna träning används också för att lättare förstå “det lilla barnets” egna utforskande väg i sin utveckling till självständig individ. De grundläggande spädbarnsrörelserna ligger till grund för all fortsatt rörelse och utveckling genom livet. Genom att vi går tillbaka till dessa grundrörelser i träningen kan vi hitta vägen framåt igen, för rörelsefrihet och bästa funktion.
Du kan uppnå:
Lätthet och större rörelsefrihet
Ökad funktion
Närvaro och Balans
“Grundläggande Medvetenhet och Rörelseträning” sker i grupp
Datum: Torsdagar med start 5 september - 24 oktober -2024
Tid: Kl. 15.00 -16.00
Kostnad: 3600 kronor Rabatt med 300 kronor kan ges vid bokning senast 15 aug-24
Bokning sker via mail: ingerwrango@gmail.com
Träningen gäller som "Friskvårdsaktivitet" och friskvårdbidrag kan användas.
Inger Wrangö är utbildad: Leg. sjukgymnast Aukt. Feldenkrais®pedagog Cert. SEP® Somatic Experiencing®practitioner BRMT® rörelsetränare Hypopressiv Träningslärare Hon har mer än 30 års erfarenhet av att arbeta med kvinnor i alla åldrar, samt med kvinnohälsa. I denna träning används följande metoder Feldenkrais®metoden, BRMT® och Somatic Experiencing®.
Sommarkurs för gravida
För dig som är gravid!
En hybrid förlossningsförberedande sommarkurs!
En resa för dig och ditt barn i magen som startar med ett dagsretreat mitt i Malmö, i en lugn och vilande miljö.
De övriga kurstillfällen inkluderar yogaprogram, andnings- och avslappningsövningar och hemuppgifter som du kan göra hemma i lugn och ro när det passar dig. Kursen är utformad så att du skall få stöd och inspiration till en positiv upplevelse av din graviditet och förlossning där fokus ligger på trygghet, andning, vila och närvaro.
Detta är en kurs som vi omsorgsfullt skapat som svar på den gravida kvinnans unika behov under sin graviditet och även som en förberedelse inför förlossningen.
Kursens upplägg:
Kursdag 1/Dagsretreat Malmö:
7 juli kl 10-16 eller 1 september kl 9-15.
En dag fylld av yoga, avslappning, inspiration som samtidigt ger dig möjligheten att komma bort från vardagens alla måsten.
Vi fyller på, stärker och samtalar runt det som känns viktigt samt går igenom och informerar om hemarbetet och fortsättningen av kursen.
Efterföljande 5 veckor:
Varje vecka får du tillgång till digitalt kursmaterial inkl inspelade yogaklasser, förlossningsförberedande övningar och guidade meditationer som du kan göra i din egen takt.
Avslutningsträff live via Zoom:
18 augusti kl 17-18 eller 13 oktober kl 17-18
Sista kurstillfället möts vi live via zoom. Här knyter vi ihop säcken och
sammanfattar de praktiska verktyg och övningar du har fått och hur du även kan använda dem efter kursen som vidare förberedelse inför förlossningen.
Lisa Persson & Sasha Veldman Wolf, doulor, yogalärare och grundare av
BabyHealth och BirthYoga. Läs mer om oss: www.birthyoga.org
Ayurvedisk center i Malmö; Skeppsbron 5, 211 20 Malmö
Anmälan: maila sasha@babyhealth.se
Pris: 1495 kr
I priset ingår ett dagsretreat, en sex veckors kurs med kursmaterial samt en avslutningsträff via zoom.
Welcome to a course in Hypnobirthing
This Hypnobirthing (the Mongan Method) course is a prenatal course that includes special breathing, relaxation, visualization, meditative practice, as well as the physiology of birth, attention to nutrition and positive body toning. Hypnobirthing's philosophy is that birth is something natural and healthy. Through learning deep relaxation the birthing person will learn to trust that their body knows how to bring their baby into the world in a gentle and calm way.
This course is open for first time parents-to-be as well as people who have previously given birth. No prior experience of hypnosis is needed. The pregnant person may bring the support person of their choice to the course; partner, friend, doula, etc. It's recommended to start the course at around 20 weeks of gestation to ensure enough time to practice the techniques being taught.
The course is divided into 5 units, 2,5 hours each. Each couple (pregnant person and birth companion) receives one copy of the book "Hypnobirthing" by Marie Mongan, a coil with information and relaxation scripts and an audio download of relaxation scripts.
During the course you will learn
How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts.
The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing.
Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques.
Breathing techniques for labor and birthing.
Hypnotic relaxation and visualization.
The Birth companion’s role in birthing.
Preparing the body for birthing.
Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.
Birth explained simply.
As labor advances – birthing with your baby.
Protecting the natural birthing experience.
Positions for descent and birthing.
Family bonding with your baby.
And so much more!
The course will be in English and course material is in English. If the composition of the group is Swedish-speaking, the course will be held in Swedish and the course material is in English.
The group size is limited, sign up today to not miss your spot!
Dates: weekly, starting August 13 and last block September 10 (totally 5 blocks)
Time: 1730-2000 hrs
Fee: 4300kr per couple (material included)
Sign up: send e-mail to midwifenandi@gmail.com
Nandi Zulu
I am a doula, midwife, hypnobirthing instructor and a mother of three.
For close to two years I have been teaching Hypnobirthing to expectant parents outside my job in the delivery & post natal ward. After graduating from midwifery school in 2021 I still felt something was missing in my tool kit, so that same year I became a Hypnobirthing educator. Hypnobirthing is an approach that I love and can really relate to, as I know how beneficial breath and relaxation is during pregnancy and birth. Teaching Hypnobirthing lets me be a part of families journey into parenthood through educating and empowering them in a holistic way. The five week course gives you space to ask questions and learn a lot of new things, I’m looking forward to sharing this course and this time in life with you!
I warmly invite you, whether you’re a mom or dad, to join me for a baby massage class at Ayurvedic Center Malmö.
Explore the wonderful experience of bonding with your little one by engaging in tender touch and maintaining eye contact in a serene environment.
The benefits of baby massage are numerous:
- Promotes relaxation and better sleep
- Improves circulation and supports skin health
- Alleviates common discomforts such as gas, colic, constipation, and teething pain
During our session, you will learn essential techniques and valuable insights, and personally massage your baby with sesame oil. It is suitable for children from 4 weeks old with no maximum age limit.
For your comfort, soft yoga mats and towels will be provided on the floor. The session includes fika with light snacks and tea.
The course will be in English
Date: August 13, Tuesday
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Sign up: email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com
Investment: SEK 350. Swish me at +46736358029
I’m looking forward to sharing this enriching experience with you!
Beatriz Facio
About Beatriz:
I am a postpartum doula with a background as a PhD nurse specializing in child health.
As a postpartum doula, I provide personalized guidance, supporting a confident transition from pregnancy to postpartum and facilitating an easier journey into parenthood. In 2022, I completed a Developmental Baby Massage Teacher Course by Peter Walker and the Federation of Antenatal Educators. This training has equipped me with the expertise to offer nurturing and soothing baby massages, aiming to promote their development and strengthen the bond between them and their parents.
Postpartum Planning Workshop for Parents
Welcome to Postpartum Planning Workshop for Parents!
This workshop is designed to support parents as they navigate the transformative journey of the postpartum period. It is open for parents-to-be, new parents as well as for not-first-time parents. Each experience is unique!
The attendance of both partners is encouraged because it promotes a sense of unity, shared responsibility, and mutual support. But, if you are a solo or independent mother, you are welcome to bring a close friend.
During this 3-hour session, you will be guided in creating a comprehensive and personalized postpartum plan that addresses the five postpartum universal needs: extended rest, nourishing nutrition, loving touch, connection with wise women and spiritual well-being, and contact with nature. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your preferences, identify potential obstacles, and strategize ways to overcome them. We will also discuss the importance of setting boundaries and managing visitors to ensure a peaceful and restful environment.
By the end of this workshop, you will have a clear roadmap for your postpartum journey, empowering you to communicate your needs effectively, seek assistance when necessary, and cultivate a strong support network. My aim is for you, mother, to emerge from the postpartum period feeling strengthened, connected, and deeply fulfilled.
The workshop and material will be in English!
Reserve your spot today, as space is limited to 5 couples.
Date: August 4
Time: 10:00 – 13:00h
Investment: 680kr per couple
To register, please email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com and let me know the chosen date.
Look forward to welcoming and supporting you on this incredible journey!
Warm regards,
Beatriz Facio
I warmly invite you, whether you’re a mom or dad, to join me for a baby massage class at Ayurvedic Center Malmö.
Explore the wonderful experience of bonding with your little one by engaging in tender touch and maintaining eye contact in a serene environment.
The benefits of baby massage are numerous:
- Promotes relaxation and better sleep
- Improves circulation and supports skin health
- Alleviates common discomforts such as gas, colic, constipation, and teething pain
During our session, you will learn essential techniques and valuable insights, and personally massage your baby with sesame oil. It is suitable for children from 4 weeks old with no maximum age limit.
For your comfort, soft yoga mats and towels will be provided on the floor. The session includes fika with light snacks and tea.
The course will be in English
Date: July 12, Friday
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Sign up: email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com
Investment: SEK 350. Swish me at +46736358029
I’m looking forward to sharing this enriching experience with you!
Beatriz Facio
About Beatriz:
I am a postpartum doula with a background as a PhD nurse specializing in child health.
As a postpartum doula, I provide personalized guidance, supporting a confident transition from pregnancy to postpartum and facilitating an easier journey into parenthood. In 2022, I completed a Developmental Baby Massage Teacher Course by Peter Walker and the Federation of Antenatal Educators. This training has equipped me with the expertise to offer nurturing and soothing baby massages, aiming to promote their development and strengthen the bond between them and their parents.
I warmly invite you, whether you’re a mom or dad, to join me for a baby massage class at Ayurvedic Center Malmö.
Explore the wonderful experience of bonding with your little one by engaging in tender touch and maintaining eye contact in a serene environment.
The benefits of baby massage are numerous:
- Promotes relaxation and better sleep
- Improves circulation and supports skin health
- Alleviates common discomforts such as gas, colic, constipation, and teething pain
During our session, you will learn essential techniques and valuable insights, and personally massage your baby with sesame oil. It is suitable for children from 4 weeks old with no maximum age limit.
For your comfort, soft yoga mats and towels will be provided on the floor. The session includes fika with light snacks and tea.
The course will be in English
Date: June 10, Monday
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Sign up: email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com
Investment: SEK 350. Swish me at +46736358029
I’m looking forward to sharing this enriching experience with you!
Beatriz Facio
About Beatriz:
I am a postpartum doula with a background as a PhD nurse specializing in child health.
As a postpartum doula, I provide personalized guidance, supporting a confident transition from pregnancy to postpartum and facilitating an easier journey into parenthood. In 2022, I completed a Developmental Baby Massage Teacher Course by Peter Walker and the Federation of Antenatal Educators. This training has equipped me with the expertise to offer nurturing and soothing baby massages, aiming to promote their development and strengthen the bond between them and their parents.
I warmly invite you, whether you’re a mom or dad, to join me for a baby massage class at Ayurvedic Center Malmö.
Explore the wonderful experience of bonding with your little one by engaging in tender touch and maintaining eye contact in a serene environment.
The benefits of baby massage are numerous:
- Promotes relaxation and better sleep
- Improves circulation and supports skin health
- Alleviates common discomforts such as gas, colic, constipation, and teething pain
During our session, you will learn essential techniques and valuable insights, and personally massage your baby with sesame oil. It is suitable for children from 4 weeks old with no maximum age limit.
For your comfort, soft yoga mats and towels will be provided on the floor. The session includes fika with light snacks and tea.
The course will be in English
Date: May 15th, Wednesday
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Sign up: email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com
Investment: SEK 350. Swish me at +46736358029
I’m looking forward to sharing this enriching experience with you!
Beatriz Facio
About Beatriz:
I am a postpartum doula with a background as a PhD nurse specializing in child health.
As a postpartum doula, I provide personalized guidance, supporting a confident transition from pregnancy to postpartum and facilitating an easier journey into parenthood. In 2022, I completed a Developmental Baby Massage Teacher Course by Peter Walker and the Federation of Antenatal Educators. This training has equipped me with the expertise to offer nurturing and soothing baby massages, aiming to promote their development and strengthen the bond between them and their parents.
Welcome to a course in Hypnobirthing
This Hypnobirthing (the Mongan Method) course is a prenatal course that includes special breathing, relaxation, visualization, meditative practice, as well as the physiology of birth, attention to nutrition and positive body toning. Hypnobirthing's philosophy is that birth is something natural and healthy. Through learning deep relaxation the birthing person will learn to trust that their body knows how to bring their baby into the world in a gentle and calm way.
This course is open for first time parents-to-be as well as people who have previously given birth. No prior experience of hypnosis is needed. The pregnant person may bring the support person of their choice to the course; partner, friend, doula, etc. It's recommended to start the course at around 20 weeks of gestation to ensure enough time to practice the techniques being taught.
The course is divided into 5 units, 2,5 hours each. Each couple (pregnant person and birth companion) receives one copy of the book "Hypnobirthing" by Marie Mongan, a coil with information and relaxation scripts and an audio download of relaxation scripts.
During the course you will learn
How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts.
The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing.
Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques.
Breathing techniques for labor and birthing.
Hypnotic relaxation and visualization.
The Birth companion’s role in birthing.
Preparing the body for birthing.
Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.
Birth explained simply.
As labor advances – birthing with your baby.
Protecting the natural birthing experience.
Positions for descent and birthing.
Family bonding with your baby.
And so much more!
The course will be in English and course material is in English. If the composition of the group is Swedish-speaking, the course will be held in Swedish and the course material is in English.
The group size is limited, sign up today to not miss your spot!
Dates: weekly, starting May 7 and last block June 11 (totally 5 blocks - no class May 28)
Time: 1730-2000 hrs
Fee: 4300kr per couple (material included)
Sign up: send e-mail to info@ayurvedisktcenter.se
Nandi Zulu
I am a doula, midwife, hypnobirthing instructor and a mother of three.
For close to two years I have been teaching Hypnobirthing to expectant parents outside my job in the delivery & post natal ward. After graduating from midwifery school in 2021 I still felt something was missing in my tool kit, so that same year I became a Hypnobirthing educator. Hypnobirthing is an approach that I love and can really relate to, as I know how beneficial breath and relaxation is during pregnancy and birth. Teaching Hypnobirthing lets me be a part of families journey into parenthood through educating and empowering them in a holistic way. The five week course gives you space to ask questions and learn a lot of new things, I’m looking forward to sharing this course and this time in life with you!
Postpartum Planning Workshop for Parents
Welcome to Postpartum Planning Workshop for Parents!
This workshop is designed to support parents as they navigate the transformative journey of the postpartum period. It is open for parents-to-be, new parents as well as for not-first-time parents. Each experience is unique!
The attendance of both partners is encouraged because it promotes a sense of unity, shared responsibility, and mutual support. But, if you are a solo or independent mother, you are welcome to bring a close friend.
During this 3-hour session, you will be guided in creating a comprehensive and personalized postpartum plan that addresses the five postpartum universal needs: extended rest, nourishing nutrition, loving touch, connection with wise women and spiritual well-being, and contact with nature. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your preferences, identify potential obstacles, and strategize ways to overcome them. We will also discuss the importance of setting boundaries and managing visitors to ensure a peaceful and restful environment.
By the end of this workshop, you will have a clear roadmap for your postpartum journey, empowering you to communicate your needs effectively, seek assistance when necessary, and cultivate a strong support network. My aim is for you, mother, to emerge from the postpartum period feeling strengthened, connected, and deeply fulfilled.
The workshop and material will be in English!
Reserve your spot today, as space is limited to 5 couples.
Date: April 28
Time: 10:00 – 13:00h
Investment: 680kr per couple
To register, please email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com and let me know the chosen date.
Look forward to welcoming and supporting you on this incredible journey!
Warm regards,
Beatriz Facio
Gravid & babymässan
I år hittar du oss, tillsammans med massa andra härliga småföretagare, på Gravid och Babymässan på Folkets Hus i Helsingborg. Massa eldsjälar som brinner för sitt arbete med gravida och nyblivna föräldrar.
Vi kommer lägga mycket fokus på post partum - eller fjärde trimestern - och prata om hur du kan förbereda dig för tiden efter födseln. En tid som ofta kan vara ganska omtumlande och som alltid, ju bättre förberedd du är desto mjukare och lättare går det.
Nedan kan du läsa om mässan. Mer info och köp av biljetter görs på deras hemsida
“Mässan med fokus på dig som gravid eller nybliven förälder i en intimare atmosfär, bohemisk och miljövänlig nish. Vi skapar en trygg plats att mötas på.
På plats får du träffa speciellt utvalda utställare och föreläsare inom gravid och babyprodukter. Lyssna till livsviktiga och inspirerande föreläsningar. Det fylls på med både utställare och föreläsare under hösten.
Vi väljer att lägga fokus på vår planet och främjar företag som går i samma fotsteg. Här finns både plats för insidan och utsidan. Vi vill skapa en annan typ av mässa än den traditionella som finns där ute. Du ska känna dig sedd i en trygg, mysig och intim miljö. Här kan du få ta vara på stunden under din graviditet och med din bebis. Välkommen till Gravid & Babymässan i vår! “
I warmly invite you, whether you’re a mom or dad, to join me for a baby massage class at Ayurvedic Center Malmö.
Explore the wonderful experience of bonding with your little one by engaging in tender touch and maintaining eye contact in a serene environment.
The benefits of baby massage are numerous:
- Promotes relaxation and better sleep
- Improves circulation and supports skin health
- Alleviates common discomforts such as gas, colic, constipation, and teething pain
During our session, you will learn essential techniques and valuable insights, and personally massage your baby with sesame oil. It is suitable for children from 4 weeks old with no maximum age limit.
For your comfort, soft yoga mats and towels will be provided on the floor. The session includes fika with light snacks and tea.
The course will be in English
Date: April 10th, Wednesday
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Sign up: email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com
Investment: SEK 350. Swish me at +46736358029
I’m looking forward to sharing this enriching experience with you!
Beatriz Facio
About Beatriz:
I am a postpartum doula with a background as a PhD nurse specializing in child health.
As a postpartum doula, I provide personalized guidance, supporting a confident transition from pregnancy to postpartum and facilitating an easier journey into parenthood. In 2022, I completed a Developmental Baby Massage Teacher Course by Peter Walker and the Federation of Antenatal Educators. This training has equipped me with the expertise to offer nurturing and soothing baby massages, aiming to promote their development and strengthen the bond between them and their parents.
Welcome to a course in Hypnobirthing
This Hypnobirthing (the Mongan Method) course is a prenatal course that includes special breathing, relaxation, visualization, meditative practice, as well as the physiology of birth, attention to nutrition and positive body toning. Hypnobirthing's philosophy is that birth is something natural and healthy. Through learning deep relaxation the birthing person will learn to trust that their body knows how to bring their baby into the world in a gentle and calm way.
This course is open for first time parents-to-be as well as people who have previously given birth. No prior experience of hypnosis is needed. The pregnant person may bring the support person of their choice to the course; partner, friend, doula, etc. It's recommended to start the course at around 20 weeks of gestation to ensure enough time to practice the techniques being taught.
The course is divided into 5 units, 2,5 hours each. Each couple (pregnant person and birth companion) receives one copy of the book "Hypnobirthing" by Marie Mongan, a coil with information and relaxation scripts and an audio download of relaxation scripts.
During the course you will learn
How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts.
The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing.
Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques.
Breathing techniques for labor and birthing.
Hypnotic relaxation and visualization.
The Birth companion’s role in birthing.
Preparing the body for birthing.
Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.
Birth explained simply.
As labor advances – birthing with your baby.
Protecting the natural birthing experience.
Positions for descent and birthing.
Family bonding with your baby.
And so much more!
The course will be in English and course material is in English. If the composition of the group is Swedish-speaking, the course will be held in Swedish and the course material is in English.
The group size is limited, sign up today to not miss your spot!
Dates: weekly, starting March 12 and last block April 9 (totally 5 blocks)
Time: 1730-2000 hrs
Fee: 4300kr per couple (material included)
Sign up: send e-mail to info@ayurvedisktcenter.se
Nandi Zulu
I am a doula, midwife, hypnobirthing instructor and a mother of three.
For close to two years I have been teaching Hypnobirthing to expectant parents outside my job in the delivery & post natal ward. After graduating from midwifery school in 2021 I still felt something was missing in my tool kit, so that same year I became a Hypnobirthing educator. Hypnobirthing is an approach that I love and can really relate to, as I know how beneficial breath and relaxation is during pregnancy and birth. Teaching Hypnobirthing lets me be a part of families journey into parenthood through educating and empowering them in a holistic way. The five week course gives you space to ask questions and learn a lot of new things, I’m looking forward to sharing this course and this time in life with you!
I warmly invite you, whether you’re a mom or dad, to join me for a baby massage class at Ayurvedic Center Malmö.
Explore the wonderful experience of bonding with your little one by engaging in tender touch and maintaining eye contact in a serene environment.
The benefits of baby massage are numerous:
- Promotes relaxation and better sleep
- Improves circulation and supports skin health
- Alleviates common discomforts such as gas, colic, constipation, and teething pain
During our session, you will learn essential techniques and valuable insights, and personally massage your baby with sesame oil. It is suitable for children from 4 weeks old with no maximum age limit.
For your comfort, soft yoga mats and towels will be provided on the floor. The session includes fika with light snacks and tea.
The course will be in English
Date: March 12th, Tuesday
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Sign up: email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com
Investment: SEK 350. Swish me at +46736358029
I’m looking forward to sharing this enriching experience with you!
Beatriz Facio
About Beatriz:
I am a postpartum doula with a background as a PhD nurse specializing in child health.
As a postpartum doula, I provide personalized guidance, supporting a confident transition from pregnancy to postpartum and facilitating an easier journey into parenthood. In 2022, I completed a Developmental Baby Massage Teacher Course by Peter Walker and the Federation of Antenatal Educators. This training has equipped me with the expertise to offer nurturing and soothing baby massages, aiming to promote their development and strengthen the bond between them and their parents.
Postpartum Planning Workshop for Parents
Welcome to Postpartum Planning Workshop for Parents!
This workshop is designed to support parents as they navigate the transformative journey of the postpartum period. It is open for parents-to-be, new parents as well as for not-first-time parents. Each experience is unique!
The attendance of both partners is encouraged because it promotes a sense of unity, shared responsibility, and mutual support. But, if you are a solo or independent mother, you are welcome to bring a close friend.
During this 3-hour session, you will be guided in creating a comprehensive and personalized postpartum plan that addresses the five postpartum universal needs: extended rest, nourishing nutrition, loving touch, connection with wise women and spiritual well-being, and contact with nature. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your preferences, identify potential obstacles, and strategize ways to overcome them. We will also discuss the importance of setting boundaries and managing visitors to ensure a peaceful and restful environment.
By the end of this workshop, you will have a clear roadmap for your postpartum journey, empowering you to communicate your needs effectively, seek assistance when necessary, and cultivate a strong support network. My aim is for you, mother, to emerge from the postpartum period feeling strengthened, connected, and deeply fulfilled.
The workshop and material will be in English!
Reserve your spot today, as space is limited to 5 couples.
Date: March 2
Time: 10:00 – 13:00h
Investment: 680kr per couple
To register, please email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com and let me know the chosen date.
Look forward to welcoming and supporting you on this incredible journey!
Warm regards,
Beatriz Facio
I warmly invite you, whether you’re a mom or dad, to join me for a baby massage class at Ayurvedic Center Malmö.
Explore the wonderful experience of bonding with your little one by engaging in tender touch and maintaining eye contact in a serene environment.
The benefits of baby massage are numerous:
- Promotes relaxation and better sleep
- Improves circulation and supports skin health
- Alleviates common discomforts such as gas, colic, constipation, and teething pain
During our session, you will learn essential techniques and valuable insights, and personally massage your baby with sesame oil. It is suitable for children from 4 weeks old with no maximum age limit.
For your comfort, soft yoga mats and towels will be provided on the floor. The session includes fika with light snacks and tea.
The course will be in English
Date: February 22nd, Thursday
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Sign up: email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com
Investment: SEK 350. Swish me at +46736358029
I’m looking forward to sharing this enriching experience with you!
Beatriz Facio
About Beatriz:
I am a postpartum doula with a background as a PhD nurse specializing in child health.
As a postpartum doula, I provide personalized guidance, supporting a confident transition from pregnancy to postpartum and facilitating an easier journey into parenthood. In 2022, I completed a Developmental Baby Massage Teacher Course by Peter Walker and the Federation of Antenatal Educators. This training has equipped me with the expertise to offer nurturing and soothing baby massages, aiming to promote their development and strengthen the bond between them and their parents.
I warmly invite you, whether you’re a mom or dad, to join me for a baby massage class at Ayurvedic Center Malmö.
Explore the wonderful experience of bonding with your little one by engaging in tender touch and maintaining eye contact in a serene environment.
The benefits of baby massage are numerous:
- Promotes relaxation and better sleep
- Improves circulation and supports skin health
- Alleviates common discomforts such as gas, colic, constipation, and teething pain
During our session, you will learn essential techniques and valuable insights, and personally massage your baby with sesame oil. It is suitable for children from 4 weeks old with no maximum age limit.
For your comfort, soft yoga mats and towels will be provided on the floor. The session includes fika with light snacks and tea.
The course will be in English
Date: January 19th, Friday
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Sign up: email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com
Investment: SEK 350. Swish me at +46736358029
I’m looking forward to sharing this enriching experience with you!
Beatriz Facio
About Beatriz:
I am a postpartum doula with a background as a PhD nurse specializing in child health.
As a postpartum doula, I provide personalized guidance, supporting a confident transition from pregnancy to postpartum and facilitating an easier journey into parenthood. In 2022, I completed a Developmental Baby Massage Teacher Course by Peter Walker and the Federation of Antenatal Educators. This training has equipped me with the expertise to offer nurturing and soothing baby massages, aiming to promote their development and strengthen the bond between them and their parents.
Hypnobirthing - FULLY BOOKED
Welcome to a course in Hypnobirthing
This Hypnobirthing (the Mongan Method) course is a prenatal course that includes special breathing, relaxation, visualization, meditative practice, as well as the physiology of birth, attention to nutrition and positive body toning. Hypnobirthing's philosophy is that birth is something natural and healthy. Through learning deep relaxation the birthing person will learn to trust that their body knows how to bring their baby into the world in a gentle and calm way.
This course is open for first time parents-to-be as well as people who have previously given birth. No prior experience of hypnosis is needed. The pregnant person may bring the support person of their choice to the course; partner, friend, doula, etc. It's recommended to start the course at around 20 weeks of gestation to ensure enough time to practice the techniques being taught.
The course is divided into 5 units, 2,5 hours each. Each couple (pregnant person and birth companion) receives one copy of the book "Hypnobirthing" by Marie Mongan, a coil with information and relaxation scripts and an audio download of relaxation scripts.
During the course you will learn
How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts.
The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing.
Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques.
Breathing techniques for labor and birthing.
Hypnotic relaxation and visualization.
The Birth companion’s role in birthing.
Preparing the body for birthing.
Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.
Birth explained simply.
As labor advances – birthing with your baby.
Protecting the natural birthing experience.
Positions for descent and birthing.
Family bonding with your baby.
And so much more!
The course will be in English and course material is in English. If the composition of the group is Swedish-speaking, the course will be held in Swedish and the course material is in English.
The group size is limited, sign up today to not miss your spot!
Dates: weekly, starting January 16 and last block February 13 (totally 5 blocks)
Time: 1730-2000 hrs
Fee: 4300kr per couple (material included)
Sign up: send e-mail to info@ayurvedisktcenter.se
Nandi Zulu
I am a doula, midwife, hypnobirthing instructor and a mother of three.
For close to two years I have been teaching Hypnobirthing to expectant parents outside my job in the delivery & post natal ward. After graduating from midwifery school in 2021 I still felt something was missing in my tool kit, so that same year I became a Hypnobirthing educator. Hypnobirthing is an approach that I love and can really relate to, as I know how beneficial breath and relaxation is during pregnancy and birth. Teaching Hypnobirthing lets me be a part of families journey into parenthood through educating and empowering them in a holistic way. The five week course gives you space to ask questions and learn a lot of new things, I’m looking forward to sharing this course and this time in life with you!
I warmly invite you, whether you’re a mom or dad, to join me for a baby massage class at Ayurvedic Center Malmö.
Explore the wonderful experience of bonding with your little one by engaging in tender touch and maintaining eye contact in a serene environment.
The benefits of baby massage are numerous:
- Promotes relaxation and better sleep
- Improves circulation and supports skin health
- Alleviates common discomforts such as gas, colic, constipation, and teething pain
During our session, you will learn essential techniques and valuable insights, and personally massage your baby with sesame oil. It is suitable for children from 4 weeks old with no maximum age limit.
For your comfort, soft yoga mats and towels will be provided on the floor. The session includes fika with light snacks and tea.
The course will be in English
Date: December 15th, Friday
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Sign up: email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com
Investment: SEK 350. Swish me at +46736358029
I’m looking forward to sharing this enriching experience with you!
Beatriz Facio
About Beatriz:
I am a postpartum doula with a background as a PhD nurse specializing in child health.
As a postpartum doula, I provide personalized guidance, supporting a confident transition from pregnancy to postpartum and facilitating an easier journey into parenthood. In 2022, I completed a Developmental Baby Massage Teacher Course by Peter Walker and the Federation of Antenatal Educators. This training has equipped me with the expertise to offer nurturing and soothing baby massages, aiming to promote their development and strengthen the bond between them and their parents.
Hypnobirthing FULLY BOOKED
Welcome to a course in Hypnobirthing
This Hypnobirthing (the Mongan Method) course is a prenatal course that includes special breathing, relaxation, visualization, meditative practice, as well as the physiology of birth, attention to nutrition and positive body toning. Hypnobirthing's philosophy is that birth is something natural and healthy. Through learning deep relaxation the birthing person will learn to trust that their body knows how to bring their baby into the world in a gentle and calm way.
This course is open for first time parents-to-be as well as people who have previously given birth. No prior experience of hypnosis is needed. The pregnant person may bring the support person of their choice to the course; partner, friend, doula, etc. It's recommended to start the course at around 20 weeks of gestation to ensure enough time to practice the techniques being taught.
The course is divided into 5 units, 2,5 hours each. Each couple (pregnant person and birth companion) receives one copy of the book "Hypnobirthing" by Marie Mongan, a coil with information and relaxation scripts and an audio download of relaxation scripts.
During the course you will learn
How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts.
The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing.
Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques.
Breathing techniques for labor and birthing.
Hypnotic relaxation and visualization.
The Birth companion’s role in birthing.
Preparing the body for birthing.
Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.
Birth explained simply.
As labor advances – birthing with your baby.
Protecting the natural birthing experience.
Positions for descent and birthing.
Family bonding with your baby.
And so much more!
The course will be in English and course material is in English. If the composition of the group is Swedish-speaking, the course will be held in Swedish and the course material is in English.
The group size is limited, sign up today to not miss your spot!
Dates: weekly, starting October 10 and last block November 7 (totally 5 blocks)
Time: 1730-2000 hrs
Fee: 3900kr per couple (material included)
Sign up: send e-mail to info@ayurvedisktcenter.se
Nandi Zulu
I am a doula, midwife, hypnobirthing instructor and a mother of three.
For close to two years I have been teaching Hypnobirthing to expectant parents outside my job in the delivery & post natal ward. After graduating from midwifery school in 2021 I still felt something was missing in my tool kit, so that same year I became a Hypnobirthing educator. Hypnobirthing is an approach that I love and can really relate to, as I know how beneficial breath and relaxation is during pregnancy and birth. Teaching Hypnobirthing lets me be a part of families journey into parenthood through educating and empowering them in a holistic way. The five week course gives you space to ask questions and learn a lot of new things, I’m looking forward to sharing this course and this time in life with you!
Hypnobirthing FULLY BOOKED
Welcome to a course in Hypnobirthing
This Hypnobirthing (the Mongan Method) course is a prenatal course that includes special breathing, relaxation, visualization, meditative practice, as well as the physiology of birth, attention to nutrition and positive body toning. Hypnobirthing's philosophy is that birth is something natural and healthy. Through learning deep relaxation the birthing person will learn to trust that their body knows how to bring their baby into the world in a gentle and calm way.
This course is open for first time parents-to-be as well as people who have previously given birth. No prior experience of hypnosis is needed. The pregnant person may bring the support person of their choice to the course; partner, friend, doula, etc. It's recommended to start the course at around 20 weeks of gestation to ensure enough time to practice the techniques being taught.
The course is divided into 5 units, 2,5 hours each. Each couple (pregnant person and birth companion) receives one copy of the book "Hypnobirthing" by Marie Mongan, a coil with information and relaxation scripts and an audio download of relaxation scripts.
During the course you will learn
How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts.
The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing.
Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques.
Breathing techniques for labor and birthing.
Hypnotic relaxation and visualization.
The Birth companion’s role in birthing.
Preparing the body for birthing.
Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.
Birth explained simply.
As labor advances – birthing with your baby.
Protecting the natural birthing experience.
Positions for descent and birthing.
Family bonding with your baby.
And so much more!
The course will be in English and course material is in English. If the composition of the group is Swedish-speaking, the course will be held in Swedish and the course material is in English.
The group size is limited, sign up today to not miss your spot!
Dates: weekly, starting August 15 and last block September 19 - no class August 29 (totally 5 blocks)
Time: 1730-2000 hrs
Fee: 3900kr per couple (material included)
Sign up: send e-mail to info@ayurvedisktcenter.se
Nandi Zulu
I am a doula, midwife, hypnobirthing instructor and a mother of three.
For close to two years I have been teaching Hypnobirthing to expectant parents outside my job in the delivery & post natal ward. After graduating from midwifery school in 2021 I still felt something was missing in my tool kit, so that same year I became a Hypnobirthing educator. Hypnobirthing is an approach that I love and can really relate to, as I know how beneficial breath and relaxation is during pregnancy and birth. Teaching Hypnobirthing lets me be a part of families journey into parenthood through educating and empowering them in a holistic way. The five week course gives you space to ask questions and learn a lot of new things, I’m looking forward to sharing this course and this time in life with you!
Postpartum Planning Workshop for Parents
Welcome to Postpartum Planning Workshop for Parents!
This workshop is designed to support parents as they navigate the transformative journey of the postpartum period. It is open for parents-to-be, new parents as well as for not-first-time parents. Each experience is unique!
The attendance of both partners is encouraged because it promotes a sense of unity, shared responsibility, and mutual support. But, if you are a solo or independent mother, you are welcome to bring a close friend.
During this two-hour session, you will be guided in creating a comprehensive and personalized postpartum plan that addresses the five postpartum universal needs: extended rest, nourishing nutrition, loving touch, connection with wise women and spiritual well-being, and contact with nature. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your preferences, identify potential obstacles, and strategize ways to overcome them. We will also discuss the importance of setting boundaries and managing visitors to ensure a peaceful and restful environment.
By the end of this workshop, you will have a clear roadmap for your postpartum journey, empowering you to communicate your needs effectively, seek assistance when necessary, and cultivate a strong support network. My aim is for you, mother, to emerge from the postpartum period feeling strengthened, connected, and deeply fulfilled.
The workshop and material will be in English!
Reserve your spot today, as space is limited to 10 couples.
Date: July 1st and August 6th (Choose the date that works better for you)
Time: 10:00 – 12:00h
Investment: 400kr per couple
To register, please email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com and let me know the chosen date.
Look forward to welcoming and supporting you on this incredible journey!
Warm regards,
Beatriz Facio
Postpartum Planning Workshop for Parents
Welcome to Postpartum Planning Workshop for Parents!
This workshop is designed to support parents as they navigate the transformative journey of the postpartum period. It is open for parents-to-be, new parents as well as for not-first-time parents. Each experience is unique!
The attendance of both partners is encouraged because it promotes a sense of unity, shared responsibility, and mutual support. But, if you are a solo or independent mother, you are welcome to bring a close friend.
During this two-hour session, you will be guided in creating a comprehensive and personalized postpartum plan that addresses the five postpartum universal needs: extended rest, nourishing nutrition, loving touch, connection with wise women and spiritual well-being, and contact with nature. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your preferences, identify potential obstacles, and strategize ways to overcome them. We will also discuss the importance of setting boundaries and managing visitors to ensure a peaceful and restful environment.
By the end of this workshop, you will have a clear roadmap for your postpartum journey, empowering you to communicate your needs effectively, seek assistance when necessary, and cultivate a strong support network. My aim is for you, mother, to emerge from the postpartum period feeling strengthened, connected, and deeply fulfilled.
The workshop and material will be in English!
Reserve your spot today, as space is limited to 10 couples.
Date: July 1st and August 6th (Choose the date that works better for you)
Time: 10:00 – 12:00h
Investment: 400kr per couple
To register, please email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com and let me know the chosen date.
Look forward to welcoming and supporting you on this incredible journey!
Warm regards,
Beatriz Facio
Mothers' meet-up
Welcome to Mothers' Meet-Up!
Come and connect with other mothers and share your thoughts and feelings about the life-changing experience called parenthood. This is also a great opportunity to get to know the space and me as a postpartum doula, learning more about the support I offer during the postpartum period.
The event is free of charge, and your children are welcome to join. Light snacks, coffee, and tea will be available.
Spaces are limited, so RSVP through email or Instagram direct messenger.
Let me know if you are bringing your children and if you have any food restrictions or allergies.
Date: June 16th
Time: 16:00 – 18:00h
To register, please email me at doulabeatrizfacio@gmail.com or send message at @doulabeatrizfacio.
Looking forward to meeting you!
Warm regards,
Beatriz Facio